I've been really working on my ball-handling and it shows on the court.
Just finished attending 2 basketball camps over the past 2 weeks.
The first one was at Bishop Verot High School in Ft. Myers. This camp started with kids in the 4th - 6th grade, Ive been going to this camp for 2 years, yes...I was only in the 2nd grade. I work so hard to compete with other kids that are older, so I can get better than my dad! I learned alot, my team won the NBA Eastern Conference Championship.. I hit a last second 3pointer to win the game! Eventhough, I'm going into the 3rd grade, I enjoyed being able to create my shot and make some great passes to get my teammates involved.
A few days later I went to a camp held at Ft. Myers High School. This camp worked with alot of fundamentals, passing, shooting, help defense etc... This camp was for 4th -9th graders. Yes...I was the youngest and smallest player at the camp. I was ready to work hard and not let my age(8) or size be a negative. The first game the older kids was taking it easy on me ..but when I hit (2) 3pointers in a row, it was time for them to guard me. Everybody in the gym was saying..."watch Kolton," he can shoot!" When they came out on me, I faked the shot, drove around them, either made a pass or made the shot, alot of the time I got fouled and went to the free-throw line and made my free-throws. We shoot from the regular free-throw line.
During the Ft. Myers High School camp, they had several camp events. About 75 kids attended the camp 4th -9th grade.
*I finished: 3rd overall in free-throw shooting contest! Out of the 75 campers... I was shooting against two 9th graders! I should have won it! I'll get them next time. I'm really gonna work hard over the next year, so I can get better. I like the pressure.
*I WON the Visionary Award...It was for the one that knew exactly where they wanted to go with basketball,education and in life.
*I WON the "Elbow-to-Elbow" Award, it was down to 2 people. Me and a 9th grader again and I beat him 27 - 24. I hit 11 shots in a row to beat him. The elbow to elbow, is when you shot from one side of the free-throw and go to the other side of the free-throw line and you do it for 1 minute. Everybody was cheering me on to win against the 9th grader and I did. He was a good player, but upset.
My parents signed me up for BASKETBALL @ the YMCA and my coach, of course, is my dad. We had our first game this past Saturday, we won 24-23. I'm playing in the 10-11 year old division, I'm only 8. I scored 16 of our 24 points and made a steal with 8sec to go in the game and made the shot with 1 sec left on the clock for the WIN!
I want to say hello to Mama, Uncle Keith, Aunt Kim, Aunt T.T. Aunt Nessy, Uncle Howard, Uncle John, Pap, Momer, Johnny, Tully, Ilynd, Kiyah, Aunt G.G. and G-Daddy, and to all others that I may have missed. Can't forget my Sisters Kailyn and Kelsey I love you too! Neika, lets go play h-o-r-s-e! I'll take h-o-r-s and you can have the ball first! Good Luck at Austin Peay!
Papaw..I miss talking to you! Thanks for looking over me as I play, you would be so proud of me! R.I.P!
You thought I forgot you MOM and DAD... I Love You...to the moon and back!!! Thank you for everything!
Please check back, and we will hopefully have videos for you to see me in action!
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