Ft. Myers Tigers...

First Tournament of 2010

(5th Grade Division) / Kolton is in 4th Grade (10 yrs. old)

Sarasota Shoot-out  March 7-9

Tigers went 5-0 for the Tournament and Crowned Tournament Champs!!!

Kolton was named MVP of the Tournament.. He hit a total of (20) 3's for the Tournament!!!

Also on the  All Tournament Selection.. Stephon Strawder  & Beshard  from the Tigers!

                                                                                    Ft. Myers Tigers  25-0 as of 6.10.2010

                                                                       Ranked 2nd in State & Ranked 2nd Nationally ( USSSA)

                                                                                                5th Grade Division

 Ft. Myers Tigers Finished 29-1 this season. Finished 3rd in the State Tournament 2010.  Tigers had an overall National Ranking of 3rd (USSSA)

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